Video Training: Time-saving tools and tips for personal devotions Video Training
Are you a busy mom, struggling for time with God? As a young mama, stretched in every direction, I often
Already overwhelmed with four little ones, I was I craved that connection so desperately, but I didn't think I had the time (or energy) to give it justice.
That's what this training is about. In , I've already done the leg work for you! Here you will find today and stay consistent, building a firm foundation and finding
Offering clear, creative ideas for working devotions into your busy schedule, this hour-long webinar will both encourage and inspire you to
What you will learn:
- 1 Devotional myth to leave in the dust
10 ways to succeed at daily devotions
4 Easily accessible (and free) devotional aps
3 Devotional Supplements every mom should have
What you will receive:
A deep discount off Ruthie's new ebook, (Cost: $1.00)
Webinar worksheets
Time-saving tips and tools for personal devotions resource packet, complete with 5 free printable devotionals, 3 free Christian living resources, and 5 highly recommended tools for Christian growth in motherhood.
Lovely set of
Dear mom, . You can and I'll show you how in this video training!
*This video is available for streaming only, thus a one-time rental fee of $25.00. However, the worksheet, resource page with information and links to resources, and printables are renter's property to keep. Not for resale. Affiliate information mentioned in video training not included.